Cruise Control

Hey guys! Goodness it’s been almost a month. (I have mostly my final exams to thank for that) So I’m gonna just do a quick catch-up:

End of the semester exams were crazy, even though Grand Valley did it’s best to de-stress all of us over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived students by bringing in puppies and free massages, holding coloring and board game sessions and extending the hours of Argo Tea among other establishments (Thanks GV, we all appreciated your efforts) But even so, when the day rolled around for me to go home, I was almost more relieved than I was tired. And since then I’ve been spending time getting ready for Christmas with the fam, reuniting with all of my wonderful friends, and sleeping whenever possible. (If you’re wondering what happened to my raw veganism…I went strong for five days but then the stress of exams overcame me and I resorted to comfort food. It was very cleansing though and I did enjoy doing and will probably try for another month again in the future)

Moving on. As I mentioned, I’ve been meeting up with my friends since I’ve been back, which entails getting behind the wheel of my dad’s little blue manual Hyundai Veloster and once again being able to enjoy the thrill of driving. (I love cars. And I love driving. One of my more masculine traits I guess, but it’s fine.) Anyho, after a while I began to realize that whenever I was on the highway I would turn on the cruise control, but still continue to push the throttle with my foot as if I was still managing the speed. When I first noticed this I kind of laughed at myself thinking that this is how God probably thinks of us: the car is our life; He is the cruise control, steering the car all by Himself at the perfect speed; we are ourselves, still trying be in full control even after voluntarily giving our lives to God.

For me personally, I’ve been experiencing a lot of change in my life recently. I’m not talking about moving away from my family and going to college kind of change; I’m talking about dealing with identity crisis after realizing that things I’ve thought I wanted to do or be my whole life, I no longer want. The entire future that I’ve built up for myself in my head for years tumbled down, and it was replaced by something else essentially overnight. I don’t have a plan now, if you asked me where I see myself and my life in 5 years, or even 1, I would not be able to tell you. I don’t have the slightest clue. But I realize now that as long as I put my life in cruise control, and give God full power over what happens to me, I’ll be fine. And that goes for everyone ever. Because that truly is the definition of living your life to the fullest and being the best version of yourself: being exactly who God created you to be and doing exactly what He intended for you to do, following His plan not your own.

So that’s all I have to say for today. I’m off to do even more holiday prep fun stuff. Please everyone have a beautiful Christmas! Be good to your families and don’t forget what is really being celebrated: the birth and arrival of our savior Jesus Christ. (Woo! I LOVE CHRISTMAS SO MUCH IT’S THE BEST HOLIDAY) So until next time, stay sweet.


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