Fam in Real Life: Jeffrey Allen

The family chapter continues!

Everyone, here is the next sibling, Jeffrey Allen. Age 8 (almost 9, on January 20th). Goofy and generous eighth child and twin to Jesse.


Not many almost-nine-year-olds these days are satisfied with going outside to spend time in a barn with chickens for hours, but that’s Jeffrey. Although a lot of the time he’s being loud and shouting out of excitement, frustration, or just because everyone else is, he also has a quiet, content side. This side of him will clean the play room and make up a bed for you when you come home from college on break and not ask for credit, or spend hours occupying Aaron to keep him out of people’s way.

He got his name because when my mom was giving birth to the twins, Jesse came first, naturally. But once his twin left him alone in the womb, Jeffrey apparently flipped out and turned sideways, leaving no option for my mom except to have a C-section. My parents hadn’t thought much about names beforehand, so when when my dad was asked what he thought they should name the second twin, he said, “name him after me, he clearly takes after me by being a trouble maker and turning sideways, causing a c-section after everything was going so well.” So Jeffrey Jr. got his name by being perceived as a trouble maker, and though he did inherit many more traits from my dad than Jesse did, he ironically is actually a very sweet and down to earth kid.

“He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands, and spoke to God like he was talking to a friend. And I said ‘son, now where’d you learn to pray like that?'”~Watching You. Rodney Atkins.

That song is what comes to mind when I think of my little brother. It’s about the relationship between a son who wants to be just like his father, and how the father learns from the sweet innocence of the son.

Similarly, Jeffrey has succeeded in unknowingly teaching me the importance of making the most out of your situation and being content with not having all that you wish you had. Living in the 21st century and going to public school with kids who have more things because they have less siblings, of course my brother wishes he had more clothes, electronics, remote-control toys, yummier snacks, the latest video games etc. And yet still I see him happily accept what he has, and not only that but being thankful and satisfied with the cards he was dealt. I’ll walk in on him in the midst of a stuffed-animal/pillow pet-trading session with my sister, searching the barn for eggs, or making lines of match box cars with Aaron. Not the usual activities of kid in 3rd grade, but nonetheless something he’s happy in doing.

Philippians 4:12 says “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

One of the key ways to live a joyful and happy life is to be grateful and accepting of your life and circumstances. To give thanks always. To not live in want and envy. To be content. You are not living life to fullest unless you are aware of your many blessings, and that’s what i’ve learned and seen from my little brother. Guys, it’s amazing the importance of having kids in your life. We have so much to learn from them; so much that even Jesus made a point to tell us so. Just keep that in mind, ya’ll. And stay tuned for the next sibling, because this is all I got for today. Stay sweet.


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